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2020 SILVER Winner for Business & Economics

Book Review

No Good Very Bad Asian

by Ho Lin

Sirius Lee isn’t your stereotypical bookish Asian American dude. An outspoken and confrontational comedian, he has popular stand-up albums and appearances in Hollywood blockbusters on his résumé. But underneath the jokes, his wreck... Read More

2018 Finalist for Family & Relationships

Book Review

Pandora's Box

by Letitia Montgomery-Rodgers

A teaching tale based on personal experience, Pandora’s Box is a sprawling novel that works to cover humanity’s major physical and spiritual developments. Alan Davis’s Pandora’s Box is a fantastical bildungsroman that elevates... Read More

Book Review

Stranded in the Wild

by Nancy Powell

"Stranded in the Wild" is an emotional coming-of-age adventure with a positive message. Gary Rodriguez’s "Stranded in the Wild" is a riveting, character-driven adventure that pits a diverse group of adolescents against the treachery of... Read More

Book Review

Adult Teeth

by Jeff Fleischer

The characters in Jeremy T. Wilson’s excellent short story collection "Adult Teeth" are all facing significant life changes, and the outcomes are consistently surprising, entertaining, and revealing. In “It Don’t Get No Better Than... Read More

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