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Book Review

Daemon of the Dark Wood

by J.G. Stinson

In the small north Georgia town of Dogwood, a deputy sheriff answering a missing person report on a local resident finds the woman’s car, but not her. Certain clues make him suspect something’s amiss—especially when he learns that... Read More

Book Review

My Sisters Made of Light

by Shoilee Khan

"My Sisters Made of Light" is the riveting story of Ujala, a Pakistani schoolteacher imprisoned in Adiala Prison, a women’s penitentiary that holds the lives of hundreds of Pakistani women in limbo. Abused and lost, these women all... Read More

Book Review

Waterfall Dance


The lackluster world of Will Thomas, attorney and video game avatar “Dick Savage,” is complicated when he is retained by primatologist Emily Bennett, who is facing charges of “felony theft and conspiracy” for abducting/rescuing... Read More

Book Review

My World Passes

by Kristine Morris

In this endearing story, author Donovan Harrison takes readers into the mind of Sharon Phillips, a tiny, vivacious woman in her early fifties, as she deals with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. From the earliest manifestations of the... Read More

Book Review


While the word “eunuch” may conjure up images of sultans and harems Len Lustgarten’s mesmerising book is about much much more. Lustgarten a New York physician with a passion for evolutionary biology transforms the story of an... Read More

Book Review

The Religious Subversion of Democracy

“Onward Nazi soldiers, onward Christian soldiers, onward Marxist soldiers, onward Marxists and Muslims, onward every chosen People, every Crusader and Holy War-maker. Onward into misery, into wickedness, into death!” —Island,... Read More

Book Review

Soul Travelers

by Sarah White

Marisa Sinclair has had a tough life. Abused and neglected as a child by her birth parents and the guardians in a string of foster homes she has found it difficult to make friends or form relationships as an adult. Even more problematic... Read More

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