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Book Review

Fooled by the Winners

by Jenna Jaureguy

This digestible, compelling social science text reexamines the stories that people have been told by and about society’s winners. Former Stanford business lecturer David Lockwood parses a variety of survivor bias examples in his social... Read More

Book Review

Good Psych, Bad Psych

by Aleena Ortiz

"Good Psych, Bad Psych" warns prospective patients to be critical of who is providing their care. Joshua Thomas dispels misconceptions about the Australian health industry in "Good Psych, Bad Psych", a self-help book concerned with the... Read More

2020 Finalist for Religious

Book Review

The Murphys of Rathcore Rectory

by Mari Carlson

"The Murphys of Rathcore Rectory" is a legacy-driven, period biography of an Irish family. Julia Turner’s family biography, "The Murphys of Rathcore Rectory", covers professors, ministers, abusers, doctors, soldiers, and charmers... Read More

Book Review


by Carol Booton

"Shadowshine" is a rollicking adventure in which a poetic possum undertakes a quest for self-knowledge in his fantastical world of talking animals. In Johnny Armstrong’s eccentric novel "Shadowshine", a talking possum adventures in a... Read More

Book Review

Beloved Comrades

by Kristine Morris

"Beloved Comrades" is a moving novel about a religious community that’s formed to welcome a variety of members. In the stories of Yermiyahu Ahron Taub’s novel "Beloved Comrades", a new Orthodox synagogue brings a sense of comfort and... Read More

2019 HONORABLE Mention for Essays

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