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Book Review

I Came Out For This?

by Kristine Morris

Lisa Gitlin’s story of first love has all the passion, drama, and roller-coaster ups and downs that most writings on the topic have, but with a difference—Gitlin’s heroine, Joanna Kane, is a Jewish lesbian writer who in her own... Read More

Book Review

A Full-Grown Man

Ben Bennefield, seventeen-and-a-half, and visual artist Anna Mancini, “almost twenty-five,” are the star-crossed lovers of this romance, Bill Hunt’s second novel. Their older woman—younger man relationship causes a lifetime of... Read More

Book Review

Power Play

“[The Constitutional] framers decided that the power of war be shared between the legislature and the executive. President Bush upset this balance with his assertions of unilateral authority,” the author claims in this thorough... Read More

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