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Book Review

Young Americans

by Karen Rigby

"Young Americans" is a visceral novel about treachery, filled with colorful period details. In Peter S. Rush’s "Young Americans", a hard-boiled crime novel set in the 1970s, an ambitious marijuana dealer is betrayed after he tries... Read More

Book Review

Head Waggling in Delhi

by Karen Rigby

In this accomplished travel memoir, India beguiles and repels and beguiles again. Eytan Uliel’s Head Waggling in Delhi: And Other Travel Tales from an Epic Journey Around India revisits the Australian author’s tour through an... Read More

Book Review

The Desirable Sister

by Letitia Montgomery-Rodgers

When two members of Vancouver’s Gujarati Indian community marry, they have no idea that their daughters, Gia and Serena, are destined to complete the cycle of sororial tension begun in their mother’s generation. These sisters come... Read More

Book Review

Clio Rising

by Monica Carter

Paula Martinac’s latest novel, "Clio Rising", is both a story of lesbian friendship and a literary mystery. Livvie Bliss—a young, out lesbian fresh from the North Carolina countryside—and Clio Hartt—a closeted lesbian known for... Read More

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