Foreword INDIE
2006 Finalist for Career
2010 Finalist for Health
Foreword INDIE
Thugs, Drugs and the War on Bugs
Book Review
The Dreamer Sleeps Without Dreaming
The novel thrives in the realm of anti-art, testing boundaries and throwing clever punches. “This example of anti-art deserves nothing short of scathing criticism,” asserts the first page of Jonathan Harnisch’s massive novel The...
Book Review
Lusty Little Women
Discover Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women from a new perspective in this exciting remake of a beloved classic. Margaret Pearl takes her "Lusty Little Women" into forbidden territory, breaking the rules and restrictions imposed on...
Book Review
The Buddha from Babylon
by Meg Nola
Kraft’s speculative biography will provoke spirited debate while offering an engrossing review of the Buddha’s life and wisdom. Harvey Kraft’s The Buddha from Babylon: The Lost History and Cosmic Vision of Siddhartha Gautama offers...
Book Review
Resurgent Antisemitism
Essays on historic and current anti-Semitism do an outstanding job of describing its chilling diversity. While the Holocaust was the worst crime of modern anti-Semitism, it was hardly alone. Libel, violence, and discrimination against...
Book Review
Love Songs and Monster Songs
G.M. Holder’s ridiculously accomplished debut novel begins with a series of maps. Maps of Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, and the larger territory of former Yugoslavia offer a sample of the settings in this sprawling book and prepare readers...
Book Review
The Glitter Scene
The American Girl. The Boy in the Woods. The Angel of Death. Like the refrain of a song, these phrases are repeated throughout Monika Fagerholm’s dark coming-of-age novel, "The Glitter Scene". In 2004, Johanna and the popular Ulla...