The fun cookbook So Much S’more to Do is filled with different versions of the classic treat. Becky Rasmussen’s slim, creative cookbook So Much S’more to Do celebrates the campfire confection, showcasing its endless potential.... Read More
Once anointed the walking poet, philosopher of Vancouver, and catching stride with "False Creek", her eighth collection, Jane Munro is a Griffin Poetry Prize winner and the recent author of Open Every Window: A Memoir. She has taught... Read More
Linda P.J. Lipsen’s "Pressed Plants" is a hobbyist’s botany book marked by deep wisdom. The book gives plant lovers the information they need to collect, press, and organize their own plant specimens. The sequential chapters document... Read More
Stuck in high school on the moon, three teenagers deal with a rival gang and dream of going to Earth in Space Trash: Volume 1. In 2091, people feared that Earth would soon be unable to support life, and terraforming colonies were... Read More
The chaputs style of dugout canoe has great cultural importance to Canada’s Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations. Joe Martin, a master of the craft with more than sixty such canoes to his name, teams up with museum curator Alan Hoover to... Read More