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Book Review

Sailing without Ahab

by Matt Sutherland

Herman Melville—mystic, orca oracle, and madness miner—left treasures of material for poets in Moby-Dick, and Steve Mentz found his muse in the idea of an Ahab-less Pequod—a multiracial, queer, and cruisier ship on a bountifully... Read More

Book Review


by Kristine Morris

In Barbara Ridley’s gripping novel "Unswerving", a woman survives a car accident and contends with emotional trauma, harrowing rehabilitation, and a mystery surrounding the fate of her girlfriend. Tave, once a top athlete at her... Read More

Book Review


by Danielle Ballantyne

Gold leaf and painterly illustrations with saturated colors are used to follow the life of Rumi, the renowned poet and scholar born in Iran in 1207. Herein, Rumi is imagined as a boy who delights in feeding the birds; a young adult... Read More

Book Review

Man's World

by Kristen Rabe

A timely reissue of Charlotte Haldane’s brilliant 1926 dystopian novel, Man’s World is set in a future where individual desires are sacrificed for communal good, women’s roles are prescribed, and genetic makeup is determined by... Read More

Book Review

Fine Dreams

by Eileen Gonzalez

A young victim of terrorism watches over those she left behind in Linda N. Masi’s novel "Fine Dreams". Kubra loved running, the color pink, and studying to become an educator like her mother. After she becomes collateral damage in a... Read More

Book Review

Daughters of Jerusalem

by Meg Nola

Galya Gerstman’s novel "Daughters of Jerusalem" follows three generations of Jewish women in early twentieth-century Palestine. In 1900 in Serbia, Lili and her husband, Joseph, struggle to have a child; Lili lost seventeen babies soon... Read More

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