Foreword INDIE
2021 HONORABLE Mention for Education
2021 Finalist for Political and Social Sciences
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International Aid Under the Microscope
2021 GOLD Winner for Family & Relationships
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Grow Wild
2020 Finalist for Coffee Table Books
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The Magical Universe of the Ancients
2020 HONORABLE Mention for War & Military
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Hogs in the Sand
Book Review
Buying Gay
David K. Johnson’s "Buying Gay" is a compelling retrospective of physique magazines, which provided gay men with an outlet in the 1950s and 1960s. The “Physique Era” encompasses the rise and fall of physique magazines from 1951 to...
2018 Finalist for Body, Mind & Spirit
Foreword INDIE
The Power of NOTEs
2018 Finalist for Political and Social Sciences
Foreword INDIE