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25 results for published: 2022-03-22

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Book Review

City Day

by Michelle Anne Schingler

Its illustrations vibrant and cartoonish, this story begins in a forest area that’s gone quiet at summer’s end. The woodland creatures, who miss their human “friends” and the fun chaos that they bring, decide to return the favor... Read More

Book Review

My Volcano

by Eileen Gonzalez

The chaos of current events takes on a supernatural dimension in John Elizabeth Stintzi’s novel "My Volcano". In the summer of 2016, all over the world, there are strange occurrences. The most spectacular event of all: a volcano... Read More

Book Review

The Shadow Glass

by Eileen Gonzalez

Childhood nostalgia and resentment coalesce into a once-in-a-lifetime adventure in Josh Winning’s novel "The Shadow Glass". To the world, Jack’s father Bob was the beloved, eccentric creator of "The Shadow Glass", a 1980s fantasy... Read More

Book Review

Falcon Fire

by John M. Murray

"Falcon Fire" is engrossing science fiction in which Venus’s class war comes to a head, showing that the dangers of misinformation span the whole of the solar system. In Erik A. Otto’s science fiction novel "Falcon Fire", a class war... Read More

Book Review

Winter Stars

by Melissa Wuske

Compelling in sharing admiration for the women in his life, Iverson’s monumental memoir about assuming a caregiver’s role is marked by complexity, love, and humor. Journalist Dave Iverson’s memoir "Winter Stars" is about caring for... Read More

Book Review

The Adventurists

by Camille-Yvette Welsch

Richard Butner’s collection of speculative short stories "The Adventurists" includes puppeteers, a decades-old cat, and homicidal servants who operate in alternate realities. Grounded by concrete pop culture details, each strange... Read More

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