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28 results for published: 2022-11-08

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Book Review

The Green Lady

by Catherine Thureson

Sue Lawrence’s "The Green Lady" is a historical novel about the women surrounding a lesser-known Scottish historical figure. Near the end of the sixteenth century, Alexander Seton—the godson of Mary, Queen of Scots—became the first... Read More

Book Review

Vegan Africa

by Jeff Fleischer

Marie Kacouchia’s cookbook "Vegan Africa" is packed with a wide variety of recipes from across the continent. The recipes range from simple sauces to flavorful mains, all using natural ingredients and that stand to hold appeal for... Read More

Book Review

While You Sleep

by Danielle Ballantyne

A young girl is tucked into bed with her three stuffed rabbits, imagining all the essential chores they will accomplish while she sleeps—polishing the sun, dusting the butterflies, and stuffing clouds among them. Rhyming couplets... Read More

Book Review


by Meg Nola

Chinese-ish is a vibrant collaborative cookbook created by Asian Australian friends Rosheen Kaul and Joanna Hu. The pair share a passion for food and the experience of growing up in millennial Melbourne as the children of immigrants.... Read More

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