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45 results for published: 2023-09-05

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2023 Finalist for Autobiography & Memoir

2023 Finalist for Picture Books, Early Reader

Book Review

Inside Impeachment

by Willem Marx

"Inside Impeachment" is a valuable primary resource regarding the trials of Bill Clinton. A blow-by-blow diary of the second impeachment in US history, Clifford B. Stearns’s book "Inside Impeachment" is an insider’s view of American... Read More

Book Review

Let Them Whimper

by Eileen Gonzalez

In the surprising dystopian novel "Let Them Whimper", human imperfection might make the species worth saving after all. In K. Enterante’s shocking science fiction novel "Let Them Whimper", a handful of unlikely heroes fight to stop a... Read More

Book Review

Under the Java Moon

by Karen Rigby

In Heather B. Moore’s illuminating novel "Under the Java Moon", a Dutch family is sent to a Japanese prisoner-of-war camp. Inspired by a woman who lived in Batavia (now Jakarta, Indonesia) when she and the women in her family were... Read More

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