The climate doesn’t care about your political beliefs. Neither do the data that show human activity is causing it to change at an alarming rate. All else is commentary. But, speaking of commentary, there is much to be said about what... Read More
So many science fiction novels depict humans of the future seeking out new worlds after having nearly destroyed the earth. But where is the fiction set in the present showing people attempting to save the earth today? If there isn’t... Read More
Anna Call Hello, I’m your science host, Anna Call. I review science things for Foreword Reviews and generally appreciate a good bibliography. (But really, who doesn’t?) Today being the first day of this blog’s life, let’s run... Read More
When you picture climate change, you might picture the rainforests disappearing. Maybe you see a lone polar bear, standing on a drifting slab of ice. Whatever the case is, what you’re picturing is probably not good. Which is why it’s... Read More
The earth is a beautiful place. Amazing wildlife, picturesque views, natural ability to sustain all kinds of life. It’s important to take care of the home we have, and to make sure it is beautiful for the next generation. As a few of the... Read More
Remember, just because you had to put on a coat before you left the house today, doesn’t mean that we should start firing our climate-change workers in the Department of Energy. Need some more proof that China isn’t playing a big joke... Read More
Climate change is happening—but what exactly is it and what can we do to help? With all the information being tossed around, it can get confusing. But with these six books from our Fall 2016 issue, you can get the information you need... Read More
Though climate change is a real concern, some choose to ignore the evidence and scientific consensus. But these six books featured in our Summer 2016 issue show that it is a very clear and present danger. Engaging and comprehensible, these... Read More