Global warming receives a great deal of public attention these days, but it is likely that most folks think of the issue in the simplest terms: rising sea levels, stranded polar bears, and squabbling politicians. Bradley J. Dibble hopes... Read More
"Ordinary Miracles" tells the story of one woman’s journey through infertility, in vitro fertilization, and the birth of her children. Krissi Marie McVicker’s story is specific and personal yet relatable to readers. McVicker went... Read More
Lyn Di Iorio’s first novel is set in New York and Puerto Rico and combines the exoticism of Afro-Caribbean witchcraft with a love story outside the boundaries of the expected and the ordinary. Fina Mata, a young woman living on... Read More
In his excellent book How Fiction Works, critic James Wood says, “The ideal of writing is a procession of strung details, a necklace of noticings.” He distinguishes between the real world—what the writer sees—and the noticed... Read More
When not berating his employees, Truth and Beauty, for purchasing carbonated olive oil or renaming them Untruth and Ugliness, Doktor Hermann Teufelsdröckh pursues the perfect union of evil genius and artistry. His creation, The Sans... Read More
In Tom Walker’s second novel, the cop’s nightstick, a club for self-defense and keeping the peace, becomes a metaphor for one law enforcement family’s service and, ultimately, a symbol of tragedy. As the nightstick is passed from... Read More
Given the state of the world’s economy there will probably be an onslaught of books lamenting the business meltdown and the failure of the financial system. But most of these books are likely to avoid the real heart of the... Read More
As boys Azerier and his pals grew up in Washington Heights New York studying the uniforms of soldiers navy officers and marines that happened through their neighborhood. When Gary improperly identifies a marine in casual khaki dress his... Read More