In 2020, as the first babies born after September 11th, 2001 graduate from high school, a special program brings together a generation of young adults with adults who watched the towers fall. "I Know How This Ends" is a time-bending... Read More
"Courage and Complicity" is a captivating historical drama in which a teacher wrestles with cultural attitudes towards Indigenous people. In Claudette Languedoc’s historical drama "Courage and Complicity", a young woman discovers the... Read More
"Koa Kai" is a thrilling transformation story in which a boy from New England becomes a powerful warrior. Informed by real events, D. R. Pollock’s historical novel "Koa Kai" follows a teenager’s inspiring adventure in 1790s Hawaii.... Read More
In Lisa Sandlin’s spare mystery "The Bird Boys", a two detective team tackles cases and learns how to work together. Delpha and Tom have settled into a normal routine with their detective agency, with some exceptions. Then an elderly... Read More
Crystal Hemmingway’s charming romantic comedy and AI fairy tale, Mom’s Perfect Boyfriend, is about a California mother and her daughters who discover that love can overcome a few secrets—and a lot of meddling—and that it’s... Read More
"Among the Clouds Above" combines history, realism, and strong characters for a compelling war story. John Rhodes’s "Among the Clouds Above" is an intense, sharply observed WWII novel whose animate characters bring the air war against... Read More