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Book Review


by Scott Neuffer

This is a short, easy-to-read, and enjoyable refresher on Buddhist principles and the mindful life. In our reactionary world of instant media and hyper-partisan politics, it’s refreshing to come across a quiet and concise meditation on... Read More

Book Review

The Garden of Life

by Maya Fleischmann

"The Garden of Life" is a beautiful little book with a bountiful message that is ripe for reading and rereading. In "The Garden of Life", by first-time author Todd Michael Putnam, a young and mindful gardener offers life lessons to a... Read More

Book Review

Little Trouble in Tall Tree

by Mark McLaughlin

New parents, especially new fathers, should be as smitten with their toddlers as author Michael Fertik freely admits to being when he explains that this tale was inspired by the antics of his own little boy. The adventure of Squeezy the... Read More

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