Foreword INDIE
2018 Finalist for Short Stories
Book Review
Crude Angel
Angels, however crude, fear a few places, according to E. M. Foster, but the same cannot be said of poets. Boundlessly curious, no subject is off limits for bards like Suzanne Cleary to tread. New Yorker Cleary earned her Pushcart Prize...
Book Review
The Acadia Files
"The Acadia Files" introduces kids to science via the readily observable principles and easy-to-reproduce experiments of its precocious and endlessly curious lead character, Acadia, who’s enjoying the summer before she enters fifth...
Book Review
Priest Turned Therapist Treats Fear of God
Good poets seem to recognize that what makes them good is what annoys them most about themselves. Damn the constant chatter—enough already!—but yes, admittedly, there’s some workable stuff in there. A masterful sifter, Tony...
Book Review
Footnotes in the Order of Disappearance
A Houston poet’s tool box doesn’t normally include fluency in Arabic and an internal medicine practice—indeed, Dr. Joudah’s scholastic accomplishments and life experience raise our expectations. And, in turn, we find his work on...
Book Review
Ooooh, baby, the gloves are off. In "Radioapocrypha", BK Fischer has done imagined Jesus Christ as a buff chemistry teacher in Maryland in 1989. Does she not fear bolts of lightning? The author of two other superb collections, Mutiny...
Book Review
The Learning Curve of a First Time Self Published Writer On-line
The Learning Curve is a candid account of a publishing experience gone awry; it contains many insights for aspiring writers. The Learning Curve of a First Time Self Published Writer On-Line by Michael J. Flagg is one man’s cautionary...
Book Review
Jacqueline Waters is practiced at the velvet glove-iron fist approach to poetry, at times finessing or obscuring the poem’s impact so that when it lands, the force is staggering. Her poetry has appeared in Harper’s, Chicago Review,...