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Book Review

All the Names Given

by Matt Sutherland

If the ability to hold two opposing thoughts at the same time and still function is a sign of intellect, what are we to make of Raymond Antrobus’s depth of awareness, originality, and empathy—all turned inside out and refracted into... Read More

Book Review

rump + flank

by Matt Sutherland

Winnipeg native Carol Harvey Steski’s work has appeared in Room, Prairie Fire, FreeFall, Another Dysfunctional Cancer Poem Anthology, and other publications. Once nominated for The Pushcart Prize, she lives in Toronto with her husband... Read More

Book Review

On Property

by Eileen Gonzalez

In his brief text "On Property", Rinaldo Walcott makes a case for the abolition of property and the criminal justice system. As far as most people, particularly white people, are concerned, abolition was a one-time event that freed... Read More

Book Review

Work Will Set You Free

by Rachel Jagareski

Hong Kong photographer Ted Lau visited North Korea in October 2019, satisfying a long-held desire to see the controlled outlier nation. His colorful photo-essay about the “biggest social experiment of its kind on the planet” reveals... Read More

Book Review

Water I Won't Touch

by Claire Foster

“Haven’t we all chewed / through something tough and survived?” asks poet Kayleb Rae Candrilli in their collection Water I Won’t Touch, an intimate exploration of gender. Candrilli’s writing is poised yet vulnerable, always... Read More

2020 Finalist for Juvenile Fiction

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