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Book Review

Bone Rosary

by Matt Sutherland

Giddy with reverence for a master, this page is honored to call attention to this best-of collection—featuring 140 poems from Thomas Lynch’s five previous books, along with forty-three new works. A former undertaker taken to... Read More

Book Review

White Magic

by Danielle Ballantyne

A collection of essays tackling addiction, sexual violence, mental illness, and the colonization of witchcraft, "White Magic" is a delight and a challenge. Elissa Washuta is a refreshing narrator, her prose poetic and sparse. Describing... Read More

Book Review

The Portrait

by Mari Carlson

In Ilaria Bernardini’s artful novel "The Portrait", Valeria is an author who needs a jacket picture for her new collection. This becomes her excuse to enter the house where her secret lover lays dying; there, his wife, Isla, will paint... Read More

Book Review

The Butchers' Blessing

by Angela McQuay

In Ruth Gilligan’s rich historical drama The Butchers’ Blessing, ancient traditions clash with the forces of modernity. In the 1990s, Una is the daughter of a Butcher, one of eight men who tours the Irish countryside, catering to... Read More

Book Review

On Fragile Waves

by Eileen Gonzalez

A refugee family struggles to adjust to a new life in E. Lily Yu’s novel "On Fragile Waves". Firuzeh doesn’t know why her parents have whisked her and her brother from Afghanistan to Australia. Nor does she understand why the... Read More

Book Review


by Michelle Anne Schingler

When love is great, its loss can consume you; so a family learns in Meredith Hall’s delicate, poignant novel, "Beneficence". Doris became a Senter the day her husband, Tup, brought her to his family farm. She was happy to settle into... Read More

Book Review

His Only Wife

by Samantha Ann Ehle

A brave young woman confronts modern-day sexism and classism in Peace Adzo Medie’s novel "His Only Wife". Left penniless after her father’s death, Afi and her mother survive thanks to the wealth of a benefactor, Aunty Faustina. When... Read More

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