Foreword INDIE
2017 GOLD Winner for Business & Economics
Book Review
Sunburst and Luminary
The history of NASA hinged on a set of predetermined intervals; two seconds were everything. So shows Don Eyles in "Sunburst and Luminary", his account of helping design the guidance systems that led Apollo missions to their successes....
Book Review
Honouring High Places
Japanese mountaineer Junko Tabei earned international renown for being the first woman to climb Mount Everest and to complete the Seven Summits. People were always surprised when they met her; at five feet tall and weighing just over a...
Trade Show Catalog
Tasting Stars
Trade Show Catalog
American Dragon
2016 Finalist for Career
Foreword INDIE
The Language of Man
Trade Show Catalog
American Dragon
2016 Finalist for Fantasy
Foreword INDIE