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53 results for published: 2014-03-15

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Book Review

The Master Key

by Barry Silverstein

Very few people will ever achieve Robert Peng’s mastery of Qigong which, he writes, “is the science of cultivating our Life Force through specific practices as well as the art of applying this energy in the service of the Dao, or the... Read More

Book Review

Brave Parenting

by Barry Silverstein

When it comes to parenting, being brave equals letting go, according to social worker Krissy Pozatek. She writes that “many parents are busy cushioning their children from any discomfort.” Pozatek invokes the Buddhist philosophy of... Read More

Book Review

I Hear You

by Barry Silverstein

Communication and negotiation expert Donny Ebenstein also addresses getting unstuck, but in the context of resolving conflicts with others. Writes Ebenstein, “to truly get unstuck, you need to do more than put yourself in the other... Read More

Book Review

Get It Done

by Barry Silverstein

What better place to start than with a book titled "Get It Done"? Sam Bennett, who runs a consultancy that helps creative people get “unstuck,” lays out an action plan replete with exercises—for discovering, prioritizing,... Read More

Book Review

Visions of Vocation

by Kristine Morris

A vocation is much more than a job, writes Steven Garber in this book for all who want their work life to reflect their innermost beliefs and values. Garber, an educator, author, and the founder and principal of The Washington Institute... Read More

Book Review

Silent Compassion

by Kristine Morris

By entering into the silence that is common to all, we encounter the source beyond all stories, and come forth with greater compassion, enhanced abilities for non-dual thought, patience, and unshakable hope. We come to know that none of... Read More

Book Review

Unchopping a Tree

by Thomas BeVier

Suppose you chopped down a tree and then regretted it because, after all, a tree is a beautiful thing in nature. What to do? Firewood? Board feet? Or, you might consider unchopping it by following the instructions of W. S. Merwin, a man... Read More

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