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28 results for published: 2022-11-08

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Book Review


by Jeff Fleischer

First published in 1933, the new version of "Romania", edited by Ernest Latham Jr., compiles more than three hundred images by the late photographer Kurt Hielscher, taken during visits from 1931 to 1932. It’s an intriguing... Read More

Book Review

Conversations with Birds

by Kristine Morris

In the luminous essays of Priyanka Kumar’s "Conversations with Birds", birds are a portal to reclaiming childhood connections with nature and the lush, wild landscape of northern India’s remote mountains. Torn from her roots by a... Read More

Book Review

Halo around the Moon

by Eileen Gonzalez

"Halo around the Moon" is a dark mystery novel that focuses on the strange, unpredictable ways in which events and people are connected. A grisly murder triggers a series of violent events in Matt Ritter’s mystery novel "Halo around... Read More

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