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37 results for published: 2023-10-03

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Book Review


by Kristine Morris

Grant Hayter-Menzies’s heartwarming memoir "Freddie" is about the rescue dog who became his rescuer. Part Pomeranian, Freddie was rescued from a hellish existence with an animal hoarder. He endured hunger and fear before Hayter-Menzies... Read More

Book Review

In My Skin

by Danielle Ballantyne

With a focus on diversity, this picture book promotes acceptance—of one another and oneself. “In my skin” is the recurring refrain of the prose poem that winds through the book, stretching across soft illustrations that play with... Read More

Book Review

Corn Dance

by Rachel Jagareski

"Corn Dance" is Potawatomi chef, television host, and Corn Dance Café founder Loretta Barrett Oden’s inviting cookbook; it explores Indigenous ingredients and foodways. After raising a family in Oklahoma, Oden traveled to research... Read More

Book Review

Marty Glickman

by Meg Nola

Jeffrey S. Gurock’s "Marty Glickman" is an encompassing biography of the athlete, sportscaster, and mentor. Born in 1917, Glickman grew up in New York’s Bronx and Brooklyn neighborhoods. A star high school athlete, he was recruited... Read More

Book Review

Ashes and Stones

by Catherine Thureson

Allyson Shaw traverses Scotland, visiting historical sites and memorials, in her meaningful book "Ashes and Stones". Focused on the women who were accused of witchcraft in Scotland in the sixteenth through the eighteenth centuries, Shaw... Read More

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