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144 results for publisher: outskirt press

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Book Review

Tables Turned

by Eileen Gonzalez

"Tables Turned" is a historical novel that raises many interesting “what if” questions regarding the fate of the Confederacy and the United States after the Civil War. In Gerald W. Shaw’s historical novel "Tables Turned", a... Read More

Book Review

Gabriel’s Storm

by Mari Carlson

"Gabriel’s Storm" is a thoughtful coming-of-age story deftly set around a captivating crime plot. In Diego Hojraj’s "Gabriel’s Storm", a deadly revenge plot leads to deeper struggles for a gang of outsider teens. It’s 1983,... Read More

Book Review

Reaper's Lament

by Benjamin Welton

Reaper’s Lament is a harrowing account of pilots and the dangers they’ve battled. Steven Lane Smith’s Reaper’s Lament compiles hair-raising, death-defying stories from aviation’s history—most from the perspectives of lucky... Read More

Book Review

Kiddie Coddles

by Rebecca Monterusso

The enjoyable Kiddie Coddles: The Goat with the Red Coat introduces the important lesson that siblings should be appreciated, no matter their differences. John Vitucci and Gianna Familette’s Kiddie Coddles: The Goat with the Red Coat... Read More

2017 Finalist for Religion

2017 Finalist for Humor

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