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Book Review

All You Need Is Less

by Karen Rigby

Somerville’s down-to-earth commentary helps “lazy environmentalists” get back to earth the DIY way. Green living meets household management without the tension and one-upmanship often found in environmental discussions. Madeleine... Read More

Book Review

Slow Gardening

by Jennifer Fandel

Inspired by the Slow Food movement, which embraces home cooking as a way to celebrate local food and the traditions that surround it, garden writer Felder Rushing proposes a new approach to gardening. In his book "Slow Gardening",... Read More

Book Review

The Seeds of Mercy

by Angela Black

Born into a traditional 1950’s era family, police lieutenant David Malone lived the American dream until the devastating loss of his mother to kidney failure while she was pregnant with his younger brother. Over time, the impact of... Read More

Book Review

Just Laugh About It

Sid Baron an entrepreneur with a jokester’s soul writes his memoir with seven decades of hindsight. He undertakes the daunting task of recalling his life with a chronological series of practical jokes that he has pulled on friends work... Read More

Book Review

War and the Soul

by E. James Lieberman

Even Gandhi believed that people need the qualities that warriors once possessed, but soldiering, once a constructive rite of passage, has given up most of the glory it once held. Weapons of mass destruction have ruined war. Machine... Read More

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