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134 results for ( issue-id: 467316 ) ( type: review )

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Book Review


by Claire Rudy Foster

Love and death, permanently entwined. That’s the central image of Elisa S. Amore’s passionate paranormal romance Touched: The Caress of Fate. This Twilight-flavored fantasy explores the intersection between mortal lives and the... Read More

Book Review

Inventing Loreta Velasquez

by Letitia Montgomery-Rodgers

Loreta Velazquez, cross-dresser and alleged soldier for the Confederacy, fascinated people in her own time and birthed a legend that still generates interest today. Civil War scholar William C. Davis writes Inventing Loreta Velazquez... Read More

Book Review

Pass The Pandowdy, Please

by Pallas Gates McCorquodale

Get ready to dine with some of history’s most intriguing men and women in Pass the Pandowdy, Please, a slice of history centered around the table manners and cuisine preferences of over a dozen notable adventurers, artists, founding... Read More

Book Review

The Sheep Who Hatched an Egg

by Pallas Gates McCorquodale

Sleek, supple, and luxurious, Lola’s wool was envied and admired by all the sheep on the farm—until one day it wasn’t. Using soft edges, watercolors, and simple, warm words, Gemma Merino shares the unlikely story of a sheep who... Read More

Book Review

Liam Takes a Stand

by Pallas Gates McCorquodale

Sibling rivalry has never been so entertaining as twins Lister and Lester learn an important lesson from their little brother, in Troy Wilson’s Liam Takes A Stand. A winning combination of both smart and funny, follow Liam as he... Read More

Book Review


by Peter Dabbene

Lars Martinson closes his stark tale about isolation and the foreign experience in Tonoharu: Part Three. "Tonoharu", the Japanese town where central character Dan Wells teaches English, is the setting for Dan and his supporting cast of... Read More

Book Review

Ernst Kantorowicz

by Letitia Montgomery-Rodgers

Ernst Kantorowicz, son of a wealthy German Jewish liqueur manufacturing family, aesthete, intellectual, confirmed bachelor, active bisexual, and groundbreaking medievalist, is a contentious figure, even within Robert E. Lerner’s Ernst... Read More

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