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Book Review


by Margaret Cullison

Alexander Pope got it right when he wrote, “To err is human, to forgive divine.” Forgiveness may be difficult, but we mortals can do the soul searching necessary to achieve this goal. The willingness to forgive lies deep within a... Read More

Book Review


by Gary Presley

Encounters takes readers from the segregated, World War II-era American South, around the world, and back again. Sam Oglesby’s memoir is a delightful read, laden with sketches from the world’s far corners that are both candid and... Read More

Book Review


by J. G. Stinson

Imagine an American man who yearns to find the love of his life—a woman with whom he can share his life and who’ll accept and love his son from a previous marriage. He thinks he’s found her, at long last. But this wouldn’t be a... Read More

Book Review

Draw Me a Picture

by Elena Karina Byrne

Throughout the history of mankind, drawing has served as a means of communication. It is a universal framework with which we tell stories, create maps, and navigate the subconscious mind through the language of images. Theresa... Read More

Book Review


by Elizabeth A. Allen

Cromwell, by John Long and Rhyse Curtis, begins with a legend. Whenever the city of Lustrian is threatened with destruction, stories suggest that the powerful king of the vampires, Alexander Cromwell, will reappear from wherever he has... Read More

Book Review


by Margaret Cullison

A pivotal point in the Buddha’s search for enlightenment occurred when he remembered the ants crawling on the ground that he’d seen as a small child on an outing with his father. The remembrance triggered in him a profound feeling of... Read More

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