"Better Days" is a bighearted, wry, and tender novel that focuses on love and loyalty. Len Joy’s "Better Days" is an attention-grabbing crime story in which unexpected upheavals result in welcome second chances. What’s the penalty... Read More
The realities of the homeless animals in the story are haunting, bringing to center stage the plight of dogs and cats who don’t have forever homes. Puppins, a Labrador retriever, narrates his extensive journey of self-discovery... Read More
Best known for the influence of her store, Mnasidika, and her association with Janis Joplin, Peggy Caserta has the devil’s own luck. Relentless and relentlessly unafraid to use all the advantages at her disposal, her story is a wild... Read More
"Primary Anomaly" serves as a strong introduction to the world of Fables of Nevertime, with interesting world-building, character-driven action, and secrets left to discover. Peter Sonntag’s explosive science fiction adventure "Primary... Read More
Kathrin Weston Walsh (editor), Julian Cornelius (contributor), Jenna Bollag (contributor), Sandra Kuhn-Schulthess (contributor), Alison Wiebalck (contributor), Richard Norman (contributor), and Clemens von Zedtwitz (contributor)