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Book Review

Your Words

by Olivia Boler

Leonard Gigliobianco’s debut poetry collection, "Your Words", is a contribution to postmodernism that is at once challenging and enigmatic. The poems cover much ground—global warming, rivers, politics—and yet remain open to... Read More

Book Review

...Walking Along...

“A compendium of trouble, disaster, fun, and examples from which to learn,” this book follows six mischievous adventures of Iktomi, the Lakota name for the American Indian “Trickster.” As he encounters animate forces in the wind... Read More

Book Review

My last thoughts about Iraq

Batou’s book is one of longing, for a lost civilization, a dispersed people, an ancient beauty still moldering under the remains of Baghdad. These poems might easily be characterized as extended lament. Batou approaches them from... Read More

Book Review

The Joyful Dark

In "The Joyful Dark", Michael Miller confronts the traditional role of nature poet. The very first image is of a praying mantis biting off the head of her mate, a reminder of the violent undercurrents ever present in the natural. This... Read More

Book Review

Glory River

"Glory River" is David Huddle’s most eccentric and interesting collection yet. Always gentle and wry, often strange, his narrative poems here turn dark. “River,” in the first half of the book, takes a look at what can happen to... Read More

Book Review

Coming to Rest

by Camille-Yvette Welsch

In this volume, the author races between arriving and departing; her poems run with compulsion, to see the next place, hear a last voice, find a lost daughter or aunt, notice a new change. Though the poems take their leave of home and... Read More

Book Review


“I am hardtop ironclad crash-tested / and only need someplace safe to sleep / or sleep it off / or sit up sleepless” Richard Carr writes. "Ace" a novel in verse interweaves four lives separated through hurt longing and rebellion in a... Read More

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