Foreword INDIE
2012 Finalist for Autobiography & Memoir
2012 SILVER Winner for Reference
Foreword INDIE
Handbook of Women Biblical Interpreters
2012 Finalist for Literary
Foreword INDIE
The Emancipating Death of a Boring Engineer
Book Review
From Preschool to Grad School
Many parents and students are willing to jump through the highest hoops that selective private schools set for them. They believe that the benefits of a private education at an exclusive school justify the stressful application process....
Book Review
Inscriptions for Headstones
Here is written a review of a book narrow, but deep, and although described as essays, actually containing a group of creative short stories, each a one-sentence wrap-up of a life, as if inscribed upon a headstone, and these inscriptions...
Book Review
The Legend of Chris Moose
In "The Legend of Chris Moose", Allen Northcutt creates a delightful, beautifully illustrated moose tale that gives parents and children an opportunity to discuss the issue of social exclusion and the hurtfulness of name-calling. Chris...
Book Review
Out of the Wood
by Julie Eakin
More than eighty prints executed over fifty years (from 1956 through 2006) tell the story of engraver Rosemary Kilbourn’s fascination with, and reverence for, both the practice of looking closely and the natural world that mostly...
Book Review
High-Water Mark
by Trina Carter
In this fine collection of stories, characters often stumble upon what they’re actually looking for amid the flotsam and jetsam left by the receding dreams and washed-up hopes of not only their own lives, but all those around them....