In the psychological novel "Raise My Ebenezer", a troubled man is spurred to act against the crooked power dynamics in sex, wealth, and politics. In Richard Gerald Shrubb’s psychological novel "Raise My Ebenezer", a man toils for... Read More
"Keeping Each Other Alive" is an engrossing soldier’s memoir about experiences during the Vietnam War. Norman Hile’s memoir "Keeping Each Other Alive" covers his tour of duty in Vietnam. Hile was a soldier during Vietnam; his book... Read More
"The Anderson Letters" compiles intriguing missives sent between a Swedish family and the first of their kin to emigrate from their home. Composed of letters between its members, Wayne Aarestad’s family biography "The Anderson Letters"... Read More
Friendship and romance fit together in the historical novel "Wedding Vow", in which two people lose the woman they love. In Al Cadondon’s romance novel "Wedding Vow", a man who loses the love of his life finds an unexpected connection... Read More
"The Nutrient Diet" is an optimistic, encouraging, and practical guide to natural, drug-free weight loss and management. David A. Wright’s "The Nutrient Diet" suggests reasons for why most diet plans fail; as an alternative, it... Read More
"Tales of the Elder Statesman" gathers stories of gentle mayhem and commonplace events, all from a colorful vantage. The short stories of Edward Faith’s "Tales of the Elder Statesman" are set among the townsfolk of Rough Edge, Alabama,... Read More
History could be rewritten in the exciting, alternate history time travel novel "The Kite and the Coin Toss". In Ron Swan’s novel "The Kite and the Coin Toss", a college student hopes to master time travel and right a historical wrong.... Read More
In the memoir "Confessions of a Hippie", hippie culture is seen through the eyes of a woman who was part of it. Adriana Bardolino’s memoir "Confessions of a Hippie" covers life on various communes. The book chronicles an eight-year... Read More