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155 results for ( issue-id: 467317 ) ( type: review )

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Book Review

What Girls Are Made Of

by Stephanie Bucklin

Elana K. Arnold’s "What Girls Are Made Of" is realistic fiction at its most touching, following one young girl’s struggles to make her way through the world using a broken frame. Her attempts to free herself from that limitation, and... Read More

Book Review

The Adventures of Kung Fu Robot

by Peter Dabbene

A robot who knows Kung Fu and loves peanut butter and jelly sandwiches battles a chicken who aims to, of course, steal all the peanut butter and jelly he can find, in The Adventures of Kung Fu Robot: How to Make a Peanut Butter, Jelly... Read More

Book Review

From the Dugouts to the Trenches

by Matt Sutherland

Major League Baseball has gone to war with itself—the Black Sox gambling scandal, collective-bargaining negotiations in the late 1960s, steroid use—and also against Germany and Austria-Hungary during World War I when more than 1,250... Read More

Book Review

No One Eats Alone

by Anna Call

Unlike many easy-fix food books touting local food as the answer, "No One Eats Alone" tackles both food and health from a systemic perspective. Its conclusions are likely to challenge eaters on all sides of the food conversation. While... Read More

Book Review

Farm to Table Asian Secrets

by Rachel Jagareski

A Singapore native of Chinese descent, Tanumihardja has a background in classic Asian cooking techniques and a taste for multilayered, contrasting flavors. When she came to the US, she used these culinary chops to incorporate unfamiliar... Read More

Book Review

Bearing the Unbearable

by Catherine Reed-Thureson

Bearing the Unbearable: Love, Loss, and the Heartbreaking Path of Grief, by Joanne Cacciatore, covers the incredibly difficult topic of grief. With the insight that only someone who has experienced deep personal grief can offer, the... Read More

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