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Book Review

Black Crow White Lie

by Lisa Romeo

Few novelists can arrestingly channel the voice of a neglected fourteen-year-old boy, half street urchin, half spiritual shaman, and emerge with an engaging first-person narrative that doesn’t drip with sentimentality or patronize teen... Read More

Book Review

Hostile Takeover

by Elizabeth Millard

Family business transitions can be notoriously thorny, mostly because interpersonal dynamics, different management styles, and relationship challenges all play a role in a company’s shift from one generation to the next. In "Hostile... Read More

Book Review

The Hunt

by Mary Crawford

C.C. Lea’s The Hunt: Caprian 2 continues the story of Kyle, first introduced in The Lost: Caprian 1. Kyle heads an extended clan of weres, shape shifters, kinetics, telepaths, healers, and seers. The book’s prologue is set in... Read More

Book Review


by Peter Dabbene

Young people are often entranced by the wonders of texting and other technologies, which, taken too far, could be counterproductive to the intellectual and social development of teens. In her novel "Corld", Julie Rupert takes this... Read More

Book Review

Romance on the River

by Jeff Friend

Few things can intrude upon a tranquil life as abruptly as the prognosis of an incurable disease. The priorities, activities, and focus of a person’s life are destined to be immediately transformed. Christians, however, can use their... Read More

Book Review

Riding on Duke's Train

After innocently hitching a ride on a train one night, nine-year-old orphan Danny’s life takes a turn for the marvelous. It’s 1937, and the train happens to transport Duke Ellington and his orchestra. Temporarily adopted by the group... Read More

Book Review

Riding on Duke's Train

After innocently hitching a ride on a train one night, nine-year-old orphan Danny’s life takes a turn for the marvelous. It’s 1937, and the train happens to transport Duke Ellington and his orchestra. Temporarily adopted by the group... Read More

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