A cautionary tale unfolds deep in the jungle as a proud tiger goes head to head with a group of hunters and loses. Stuck in a cage, he learns the value of strength and power versus freedom. It’s a fable fit for Aesop himself. The... Read More
"Thank You, Me" is a picture book focused on gratitude and holistic self-love. In Ellie Oop’s picture book "Thank You, Me" a child expresses loving gratitude for each part of her body. A nameless child wakes up and greets the day. She... Read More
"Jack and the Lean Stalk" is an empowering alternative fairy tale in which a brave young boy welcomes a giant in need. Raven Howell’s picture book "Jack and the Lean Stalk" celebrates the joys of taking chances in friendships. Jack,... Read More
What if the childlike aspects of our unconscious minds were visible for all to see? Soft watercolors capture adults in business and workout attire, shadowed by sketchy black-and-white younger versions of themselves who reveal the joys... Read More
Follow along as a woman in a polka dot dress leaves the big city behind in a yellow bus, emerging on an lonely road with hills all around and a tiny cottage in the distance. In this wordless story with a lot to say, the woman’s arrival... Read More
In this story available in both English and Spanish, a little girl enjoys a snowy day outside, one hand clutching her small teddy tightly, the other lifted up to reach her big bear’s mittened paw, as she contemplates the love she has... Read More
Count along from one to ten with this surprising, suspenseful tale. It unfolds through the clever use of numbers and mixed media collage artwork, with glowing eyes, sharp teeth, and bright fur and feathers, captivating as they stand in... Read More
Get ready to spring into action with this little board book with big energy. One creature after another stretches and flexes while spreading their wings, paws, flippers, and claws to show off their high—or maybe not so high—jumping... Read More