Ernesto Mestre-Reed’s historical novel is set in Cuba in the late 1990s, where a displaced young man learns the limits of family, trust, and community. Rafa is an orphan. He moves to Havana, where Cecilia, a restaurant owner, becomes... Read More
"The Stories Behind the Poses" captures the wisdom, beauty, and power of ancient Indian mythology to deepen and enlighten the practice of yoga. Fifty common yoga poses are paired with classic tales from Vedic mythology, shared with rich... Read More
Ben Aitken’s "The Marmalade Diaries", is about becoming housemates with a much older stranger during Britain’s second Covid-19 lockdown. Aitken met Winnie in October of 2020. Winnie’s children were concerned about their... Read More
Victoria Shepherd recounts some of European history’s most memorable psychological cases in "A History of Delusions". Everyone feels sad, confused, or victimized from time to time, Shepherd suggests. But for an unlucky few, those... Read More
Wendy L. Rouse’s historical survey "Public Faces, Secret Lives" reveals the LGBTQ+ side of the fight for women’s suffrage. Many suffragists, Rouse says, were “very queer”—a term that, in the book, extends to suffragists who... Read More