Foreword INDIE
2010 Finalist for Health
2009 Finalist for Science Fiction & Fantasy
Foreword INDIE
The Aquarians
2009 Finalist for Art
Foreword INDIE
A is for Alice
2009 Finalist for Autobiography & Memoir
Foreword INDIE
Kipling's Cat
2009 BRONZE Winner for Music
Foreword INDIE
Elvis 1956
Book Review
In the days after 9/11, many reporters wrote stories about where Al Qaeda might strike next: buildings, monuments, infrastructure. In the intervening years, it has become clear that high-profile sites are not the only vulnerable targets....
Book Review
Joseph's Triangle
In the first part of the Joseph’s Triangle, Imad Hassan investigates a topic not often analyzed in scriptural studies. His hypothesis is that a marriage between Mary, the mother of Jesus, and Joseph never occurred. Although no gospel...
Book Review
“Defrauder of many, scoundrel to most, traitor to all” is how one minor member of the cast aptly describes the title character of Jack Meyer’s satirical novel, "Alcibiades". Part fact, part fiction, part farce, as the subtitle...