The sharing of information is an old tradition. Its roots are in the gatherers of the Paleolithic period. Our ancestors would share their wisdom as a way to pass on what was safe to eat or how to properly prepare the food the hunters... Read More
While the new POTUS may not be the reader our last president was, it’s never too late to learn to love books. To start the next four years off right, we suggest he pick up any of the books reviewed below. For advice, insight, and some... Read More
Heartbreak and sadness, freedom and love—all are feelings invoked in these commanding literary works. It’s what draws readers to the genre; powerful emotions that bring you into the story. Literary writing is an art to make you feel,... Read More
The novel may be seen as the pinnacle of literary art, but the short story may be more true to the way we remember our lives—not in long, lumbering narratives, but in flashes, like summer lightning or a brief spring rain. Pointed,... Read More
The only thing these books have in common is the age group of their protagonists. Which is just how we like our young adult books; varied and fantastic. Isn’t it wonderful that teenagers can be anything they want to be, even if they’re... Read More
For many of us, love of books began when we were young. It’s wonderful to introduce children to a connection with books that could last a lifetime. So, for the love of books, and kids, here are sixteen books reviewed in our July/August... Read More
Life writing is a broad church. Gone are the days when you could pick up any book classified under biography or memoir and expect to find a linear narrative spanning from birth through old age. The books we feature here represent a huge... Read More
If you think about how big the world is, it’s pretty amazing that authors manage to put it into such small containers like books. It’s no wonder that some books have to be a little bigger to contain the big subjects they hold. These... Read More