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50 results for roost book

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Book Review

Where the Steps Were

by Heather Shaw

Andrea Cheng has written and illustrated a very unusual book, "Where the Steps Were" (WordSong, 978-1-932425-88-8), about an ordinary class of third graders, their always extraordinary questions, and the teacher who guides them. Miss D.... Read More


Any Day is a Picnic Day

by Howard Lovy

Doesn’t a picnic sound fun and relaxing right about now? Yeah, it’s February, and depending on where you live, the weather might not be ideal. But, according to Ashley English, a leading picnicologist (I just invented that word to... Read More

2006 BRONZE Winner for Psychology


Michael Branch's 'Raising Wild Cocktail'

by Michelle Anne Schingler

Michael Branch: “Because we dwell on the wild edge of the ecotone where the Sierra Nevada and Great Basin meet, this drink is a refresher that evokes both our home mountains and our home desert.” Ten Easy Steps to Concocting a... Read More

Book Review

La Doctora

Dr. Smith’s clinic in the Amazon is a 9-by-12-foot room with plywood walls, no ceiling, no running water, kerosene lighting and bats roosting beneath her desk. In this modest arena she delivers babies and treats snakebite, malaria,... Read More

Book Review

Unusual Punishment

by Matt Sutherland

More than a few motion pictures have captivated audiences with the image of a villainous, all-powerful prison warden and, in many cases in our nation’s history of incarceration, the caricature was accurate. But beginning around 1970,... Read More

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