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2021 GOLD Winner for Mystery

Book Review

Sing Her Name

by Karen Rigby

Musical talent blooms in Rosalyn Story’s stirring, character-driven novel "Sing Her Name", a powerful story about Black artistry, women’s dreams, and overcoming strife. After they are displaced to New York by Hurricane Katrina, Eden... Read More

Book Review

Let Us Vote!

by Jeff Fleischer

In 1971, the ratification of the 26th Amendment lowered the voting age from twenty-one to eighteen. Jennifer Frost’s thorough, valuable "Let Us Vote!" celebrates the amendment’s semicentennial by chronicling the long struggle to pass... Read More

Book Review

Murder Most Fair

by Wendy Hinman

Anna Lee Huber’s "Murder Most Fair" is a captivating story set in post-World War I Britain. Verity Kent was a Secret Service agent during WWI. Though sworn to secrecy by the Official Secrets Act, in Germany, Verity divulged her wartime... Read More

Book Review

The Mrs. Tabor

by Karen Rigby

"The Mrs. Tabor" is a rich historical saga in which a vulnerable but brazen woman becomes a legend of the West. Kimberly Burns’s historical novel "The Mrs. Tabor" focuses on the dramatic shifts in fortune experienced by the colorful... Read More

Book Review

Now You Say Yes

by Vivian Turnbull

Bill Harley’s novel "Now You Say Yes" emphasizes the importance of kindness, bravery, and family. Fifteen-year-old Mari is used to her world falling apart, but she never imagined that she’d lose her adopted mother, Stef, too. Now,... Read More

2020 Finalist for Historical

Book Review

Tokyo Junkie

by Meg Nola

Robert Whiting’s memoir "Tokyo Junkie" details his long-standing relationship with Japan’s populous, quirky capital. Whiting first arrived in Japan as a US Air Force soldier; he watched Tokyo emerge from its post-war malaise to... Read More

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