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51 results for publisher: beaver pond press

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Book Review

Room for J

The author’s youngest son, Joel, thinks he is God. As God, “J” doesn’t need to eat, protect himself from Minnesota winters, or take his prescribed medication. J was diagnosed with schizophrenia in college, and since then, his... Read More

Book Review

A Freak of Nature

by Sarah White

When faced with the idea of an inheritance most people hope that what is left for them by their ancestor is money or at least something of monetary value. That’s what Theo Ryan and his wife Kim the couple at the center of "A Freak of... Read More

Book Review


by Elizabeth Millard

As every woman past puberty knows (and sadly, increasingly before puberty as well), when it comes to breast development, size really does matter. Even if a woman is content with the shape, width, and breadth of her bosom, it’s likely... Read More

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