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819 results for ( type: review ) stress

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Book Review

A War of Nerves

by Gary Presley

In his short book "A War of Nerves", Greg Hardin writes an indictment of his treatment by medical and legal bureaucracies. Hardin’s father and uncles served in the United States military, including an uncle who was “part of the D-Day... Read More

Book Review

High Octane Women

by Heather Weber

Since the women’s movement of the 1960s, women have become increasingly successful in the workplace, reaching to new levels of influence and power in all areas of industry, law, medicine, and government. Yet, these achievements have... Read More

Book Review

How to Activate Your Brain

“After decades of intensive research into one of the greatest mysteries on earth—the human brain—there is absolutely no doubt that the brain has an extraordinary ability to restore its own functions.” That the brain can be... Read More

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