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69 results for #list

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Large Lives, Larger Lessons

by Letitia Montgomery-Rodgers

At heart, history is the story of individual lives. This collection of biographies bring new voices to life, probing the history of families, governments, social organizations, careers, and even individuals’ own bodies. Each engaging... Read More


Gift Books With Weight in Size and Subject

by Matt Sutherland

There’s something comforting about the weight of a gift book. They are larger books with a nice, decent heft to them. Perfect for lifting off the coffee table and settling over your entire lap. But gift books can have depth too.... Read More


Depth in Both Readers and Books

by Stephanie Bucklin

The word “teenager” came into use in the 1920s. Before then, you were either a child or an adult; no term to describe the time in your life when everything was changing. Now, we recognize the stage as its own category. Teenagers and... Read More


How a Story is Told

by Peter Dabbene

The way a story is told is important. Sometimes, the narrator of an audiobook has a voice we can’t stand to listen to, or a novel really should have been written as a short story. And sometimes, a graphic novel is the best way to capture... Read More

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