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90 results for ( issue-id: 402 ) ( type: review )

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Book Review

The Legend of the Fog

This collaboration between an Inuit throat singer and a children’s librarian investigates the origins of fog. Young readers are invited to accompany a hunter on a springtime journey across the tundra, where he encounters more than he... Read More

Book Review

The World in Your Lunchbox

Learn the history of macaroni and cheese and pizza, discover the ancestor of the apple, and speculate about what your tortilla is doing when you think it’s just lying there. Taste far-flung places on the globe just by opening your... Read More

Book Review

The House on Dirty Third Street

This tender, first-person story of a young girl who moves into an eyesore of a house with her mother invites readers along her path of embarrassment to eventual pride as she learns humility and the bounty of asking for help from her... Read More

Book Review

I See the Sun in Russia

This fourth installment in an award-winning series follows young Anton through his day in St. Petersburg. He awakens to the strains of “Swan Lake” being played on the piano, visits the Hermitage Museum on a school trip, and practices... Read More

Book Review

The Breathing Bridge

What happens to the air molecules we breathe in and out? Where were they last, and where are they headed? Helping children to understand how their bodies are connected to the earth and other living beings, this smartly conceived book... Read More

Book Review

Henley on Safari

The Japanese Chin dog at the center of this tale has a jet-setting lifestyle all readers will envy. Reminiscent of Eloise‘s Manhattan milieu, the book’s lavish and spirited design and illustrations more than make up for a mediocre... Read More

Book Review

My Dad Is Big and Strong, BUT...

“One more story pleeease, just one more!” begs the dad who won’t go to sleep at bedtime. Told in first person by his exasperated son, and wonderfully inventive in both story and illustration technique, this reversal of fortunes... Read More

Book Review

Boris and the Wrong Shadow

Boris the cat awakens late one day to find his shadow missing! In its place is a paltry version nothing like his usual sultry companion. A rollicking search eventually leads him to the culprit, a mouse who exchanged his own shadow in... Read More

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