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73 results for ( issue-id: 404 ) ( type: review )

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Book Review

Dysfunction: Stories

by Lisa Romeo

The promotional copy for the short story collection Dysfunction describes the book as “dramatically different in style and form,” and the marketing doesn’t lie. In fact, one could add to that: unusual, disturbing, unapologetically... Read More

Book Review

These Things Happen

by Michelle Anne Schingler

In New York City, a lot can happen in a day. So discover the characters in this exquisite debut novel by Richard Kramer (writer for My So-Called Life). Teenaged Wesley’s family is quintessentially new New York. He’s ensconced in a... Read More

Book Review

True Swamp

by Bill Baker

There are any number of clever ways of categorizing "True Swamp", each of them more or less accurate; most recently, I’ve taken to referring to it as a profane post-punk Pogo. However, the single word that all of those descriptions... Read More

Book Review

A Red Sun Also Rises

by Bradley A. Scott

Mark Hodder, author of the Philip K. Dick Award-winning steampunk series featuring Burton & Swinburne, takes a somewhat different tack in this stand-alone novel. The framing story should seem familiar enough to any fan of Lovecraft... Read More

Book Review

Native Performers in Wild West Shows

by Karl Kunkel

Thousands of spectators around the world enjoyed the exciting performances of Native Americans dressed in authentic-looking garb at popular Wild West shows during their thirty-year reign, from the late 1800s to the early 1900s. But few... Read More

Book Review

Darkening the Grass

by Holly Wren Spaulding

Married love, the simple satisfactions of daily routines and habits around the home and garden, light and darkness, and ruminations about aging and dying give this third collection by Michael Millar substance and form. There are also... Read More

Book Review

Lost Decency

by Geraldine Richards

Lost Decency: The Untold Afghan Story is aptly named. In this memoir, Atta Arghandiwal links his personal history with the history of Afghanistan from 1959 to the post-9/11 era. He attempts to show how war and the upheavals in government... Read More

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