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161 results for ( issue-id: 404188 ) ( type: review )

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Book Review

Cooking Class

by Aimee Jodoin

There comes a time, kids, when you’ve got to expand your kitchen repertoire beyond mac ‘n’ cheese, hot dogs, and PB&J. French Toast on a Stick, Quiche Cupcakes, Tiny Tomato Toasts, and Lettuce Roll-Ups are so much more... Read More

Book Review

The Jumbies

by Aimee Jodoin

This girl’s got guts. Even as she wanders the mystery-shrouded forest full of creepy-crawlies from Haitian folklore and faces up to the frightening newcomer to her village, Corrine La Mer brings badassery and wisdom beyond her years.... Read More

Book Review

Scarlett and Sam

by Aimee Jodoin

Magical realism and Jewish history merge in this exciting adventure in which twins Scarlett and Sam travel back in time to Egypt to help Moses convince Pharaoh to free the slaves. Simple language makes it easy for kids to absorb the... Read More

Book Review

Princess Pistachio

by Aimee Jodoin

Almost any little girl would love to be a princess. When Pistachio gets a crown in the mail from an unknown gifter, she adopts the Princess Pistachio persona and an attitude to match. Showcasing nettlesome experiences children can relate... Read More

Book Review

One Plastic Bag

by Aimee Jodoin

A rainbow of colors and an array of textures—crinkled plastic, knitted fabric, photos of leaves cut into the shape of trees—patchwork together to compose this amazing story of Isatou Ceesay and her project of crocheting recycled... Read More

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