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126 results for ( issue-id: 467322 ) ( type: review )

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Book Review

Sweet Butter Tea

by Matt Sutherland

Born in Tibet, loses parents, aunt ships him off to a monastery, China exiles him to India where he decides to sing, rap, act, and write in the hills of Dharamsala. Ho hum, Ten Phun, get back to us when you have something to write about.... Read More

Book Review

At the Great Door of Morning

by Matt Sutherland

Oh, you make it look so easy—everyday language, simple truths, no head-scratching allusions or hidden meaning—can you do this in your sleep, Mr. Hedin? Standing on your head? We know better, and stand in awe. With three National... Read More

Book Review

Sky Country

by Matt Sutherland

The Asian American experience is little known, comparatively, and that’s a shame on this country. Immigrants are the best of us. Introducing Christine Kitano—not that her work needs an AA asterisk as a selling point—and "Sky... Read More

Book Review

Feet of the Messenger

by Matt Sutherland

Poetry’s about butterflies and lips as soft as rose petals, right? Yes, bad poetry. Consider that poets come from all walks of life, including Vietnam War surgeons in a daily struggle to reconcile memories of the battlefield. And faced... Read More

Book Review

The Word We Used For It

by Matt Sutherland

Alas, young poet, lock away the sharp utensils before indulging in a few lines from this new Max Garland collection. Pick a page, any page—33, for example—and witness this astounding level of thoughtfulness and delivery: I like the... Read More

Book Review

Of Covenants

by Matt Sutherland

C. Kubasta, please don’t take offense as we make reference to, ahem, country music in reviewing your fantastic new collection, "Of Covenants". The plainspoken, country-road cadence and homespun themes lean to AM, not FM, and yet the... Read More

Book Review

Rest is the New Sport

by Kristine Morris

Do you go to bed tired and wake up tired in the morning? Do you have burnout—difficulty concentrating, trouble sleeping, or an elevated heart rate? Jef Geys, a sports physiotherapist and osteopath with fifteen years of research and... Read More

Book Review

Run Strong, Stay Hungry

by Kristine Morris

As an aging runner whose love for the sport is unabated, Jonathan Beverly became curious about other runners who, like himself, have come to realize that even though their personal bests will never again be what they were back in the... Read More

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