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Book Review

Of Fathers & Gods

by N.T. McQueen

Jim Roberts’s gritty short story collection Of Fathers & Gods reconciles ideas of fatherhood with faith. Told from a miscellany of viewpoints, these stories are forceful when it comes to the most challenging parts of being human.... Read More

2023 Finalist for Business & Economics

2023 SILVER Winner for Religion

Book Review

Fine Dreams

by Eileen Gonzalez

A young victim of terrorism watches over those she left behind in Linda N. Masi’s novel "Fine Dreams". Kubra loved running, the color pink, and studying to become an educator like her mother. After she becomes collateral damage in a... Read More

Book Review

Acts of a Dubious Nature

by Neal Baker

Refined and unpretentious, these short stories are directed by possibilities and filled with distinctive characters. Tony Canino’s collection "Acts of a Dubious Nature" comprises ten diverse and character-driven short stories. Ranging... Read More

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