Jennifer Heath’s fabulistic short story collection "The Jewel and the Ember" celebrates love as it’s found in ancient texts. Inspired by Golden Age cinema, including Samson and Delilah, and by the idea of love itself, Heath retells... Read More
Preparing would-be entrepreneurs with a host of preparatory steps, "Succeeding as a Solopreneur" is an encouraging career guide. For those looking to go into business for themselves, Liz J. Steblay’s "Succeeding as a Solopreneur" is a... Read More
"Nightlife Lessons" derives business wisdom from time spent behind the scenes at some of the hottest spots in New York City. Drawing on time spent in New York City’s exclusive nightlife industry, entrepreneur Shane Neman’s business... Read More
Engaging and supportive, "Swipe" is a psychologically considerate self-help text that identifies why people allow themselves to become distracted—and proposes solutions. CEO Tracy M. Maylett and journalist Tim Vandehey’s self-help... Read More