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Book Review

House Woman

by Eileen Gonzalez

An arranged marriage becomes a nightmare for an unwitting Nigerian woman in Adorah Nworah’s novel "House Woman". When Nna goes home to visit his unconventional but loving parents, he is surprised to find that they have arranged for him... Read More

2019 Finalist for Health

2019 Finalist for Health

Book Review


by Delia Stanley

"Grace" is a reflective collection whose stories move across times and circumstances to arrive somewhere real. Dan Burns’s genre-diverse short story collection "Grace" captures characters and fleeting moments while putting a twist on... Read More

Book Review

It’s Grief

by Melissa Wuske

"It’s Grief" is a guidebook that will impart hope in the moments when it’s most needed. Edy Nathan’s self-help book, "It’s Grief", charts a gentle forward path through the murkiness of loss. Grief is universal, yet each person... Read More

2016 BRONZE Winner for LGBT

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