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2023 SILVER Winner for Humor

2023 GOLD Winner for War & Military

Book Review

Inside Impeachment

by Willem Marx

"Inside Impeachment" is a valuable primary resource regarding the trials of Bill Clinton. A blow-by-blow diary of the second impeachment in US history, Clifford B. Stearns’s book "Inside Impeachment" is an insider’s view of American... Read More

Book Review

For What It's Worth

by Karen Rigby

A fun mashup of youthful rebellion with heartland quirkiness, For What It’s Worth is a nostalgic comic novel in which absurdities abound. In Nathan Pettijohn’s dark comedy novel For What it’s Worth, an Oklahoma man reminisces about... Read More

Book Review

Silhouettes and Shadows

by Eric Patterson

Who doesn’t like a good secret history? In "Silhouettes and Shadows", Adam Steiner takes a look at a pivotal moment in the musical life of David Bowie, the 1980 album Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps). Coming between Bowie’s... Read More

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